Die Luft Sichtbar Machen / Far Vedere L'aria: Ein Visuelles Lesebuch Zu (Bruno Munari)

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Editor(s): Claude Lichtenstein, Alfredo W. Haberli
Publisher: Lars Müller
Publication: 1995, First Edition
Binding: Hardcover, section sewn
Pages: 286
Size: 170 x 245
Text: German

Bruno Munari (1907–1998) was an avid collector of the visible. The purpose was to explore the relationships between designed circumstances and our perception of them. Munari, who lived in Milan, was a well-known artistic personality and graphic designer throughout Europe, as well as a children's book author and publicist. Scarce catalog for the exhibition at the Zurich Museum for Design.

Condition: Very Good. All titles are used and show shelf ware consistent with age. Slight rubbing to cover, small chips to front board. Please contact me for further information on condition.

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